The imaginary land of Terragonia is illustrated by images formed by the new natural landscape generator programme called Terragen available from
Here you will find further links to many interesting sites and programs. There is also a very busy mailing list -

Terragonia has an amazing variety of landscapes and climatic conditions and there is much to be discovered in the years to come. As the voyage of discovery continues more images and information will be added to the gallery. I have split terragonia into areas so put on your backpack ,enjoy , explore and take lots of water !

In addition to those programs mentioned on the main digital landscape page in the DEM section the following are essential extra free progs for Terragen
SOPack a collection of plug-ins -

Terranim -animation prog for Terragen-

Campath- animation prog for terragen -

Terragen can be used for creating landscapes from real life areas. The image above is from Mystery Valley , Arizona., looking east. There are other images from Grand Canyon and Monument Valley on the Digital Landscape page
Most of the above was done many years ago. Terragen3 is now available with many exciting additions.